i-Art is a platform online for the presentation and distribution of graphic works and plastic arts: paintings, collages, drawings, engravings, sculptures, digital creations.

My Background

Creative Journey

2020 - Present


Bachelor of Fine Arts

2015 - 2019

blue, black, and orange abstract painting
blue, black, and orange abstract painting
assorted-color paintbrushes
assorted-color paintbrushes
Selected Works
color palette
color palette


Explore a collection of my recent projects, including paintings, sculptures, and digital creations. Each piece showcases my unique artistic style and vision.

Featured Exhibitions

Discover my past exhibitions, where my artwork was displayed and celebrated. These exhibitions provided an opportunity for me to connect with art enthusiasts and fellow artists.

Photography exhibition Photographs by the W.P.A. poster
Photography exhibition Photographs by the W.P.A. poster